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"Getting from 0 to 1: Behind the scenes of tokenisation" - Powered by DigiFT

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Join us in this interactive roundtable that provides a behind-the-scenes look at how financial leaders and fintech pioneers are leveraging tokenisation to reshape financial systems.
The discussion will dissect the technological foundations of asset tokenisation and the pivotal role of regulatory frameworks, and examine significant milestones achieved across Asia and Europe. Through real-world examples, we will examine how challenges in the industry can be transformed into opportunities.
Discussion Areas
·      Technological foundations: Dissect the technological innovation behind asset tokenisation and how it is revolutionising the financial landscape.
·      Navigating complexities: From policy discussions to public-private partnerships, discuss what industry players are doing to explore the potential of tokenisation in diverse financial verticals including asset management and capital markets.
·      Adoption and implications: Delve into how efforts by industry players are translating into wider receptiveness of tokenisation across Asia and Europe.
·      Strategic Insights: Sharing of strategic insights and learning points in developing collaborative strategies for industry leaders and policymakers to shape the future of finance.


Andrea Vianelli

Andrea Vianelli

Global Lead L&C – Asset Management and Funds, Laser Digital (Nomura Group)

Georgios Vlachos

Georgios Vlachos

Co-Founder of Axelar Protocol & Director, Axelar Foundation

John O'Neill

John O'Neill

Head of Digital Assets Strategy, HSBC

Kazım Rıfat Özyılmaz

Kazım Rıfat Özyılmaz

Co-Founder, Arf

Laurens Schepens

Laurens Schepens

Lead UBS Tokenize and Digital Assets APAC, UBS

Mark Raynes

Mark Raynes

Global Head of Solutions Architecture, Banking & Capital Markets, Chainlink Labs

Dr Steven Hu

Dr Steven Hu

Head of Digital Assets, Trade and Working Capital, Standard Chartered Bank

Victor Jung

Victor Jung

Global Head of Digital Assets, Hamilton Lane

Morgan Krupetsky

Morgan Krupetsky

Head of Institutions & Capital Markets, Ava Labs


Henry Zhang

Henry Zhang

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, DigiFT

Ronit Ghose

Ronit Ghose

Global Head of Future of Finance, Citi Global Insights, Citi