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Cross-Border Payments: Setting the Next Stage for Growth

The payment sector is witnessing an unprecedented wave of innovation. However, there is a need to achieve quicker and more effective multilateral transformation in the payment system, since progress is slow in meeting the targets outlined by the G20 in its cross-border payments roadmap. Hence, it is critical that we collectively start creating the building blocks to set the next stage of growth for cross-border payments. 

A series of leadership dialogues, public-private roundtables, deep dive workshops and networking sessions took place during the Point Zero Forum 2023 on how innovations can play a pivotal role in building a cost-efficient, faster, accessible, and transparent global payment ecosystem. 

This report provides insights from the workshop: “Cross-border payments: setting the next phase of growth” that mobilised the collective intelligence of a diverse group of experts to align existing process, identify challenges and come up with innovative ideas to catalyse progress.

KPMG in Singapore and Elevandi extend their gratitude to all participants, speakers, sponsors, and partners who contributed to the resounding success of the second edition of PZF. Collectively, we can collaborate to create the next set of building blocks that will reshape the payment landscape, making it more robust and efficient for all.

Download and read the full report here.

Cross-Border Payments: Setting the Next Stage for Growth