Hall A (Level 2)
Manisha Tank Broadcaster & TV Presenter, HG Presentation & Coaching
Martin Schlegel Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank
Dr. Axel Weber President, Center for Financial Studies
Roundtable Room 2 (Level 2)
Dr. Christoph Strnadl Chief Technology Officer, Gaia-X AISBL
Gregor Kaelin Head of Financial Services, Google Cloud Switzerland
Renjie Butalid Co-Founder and Director, Montreal AI Ethics Institute
Prof. Thomas Puschmann Executive Director, Global Center for Sustainable Digital Finance, Stanford & Zurich University
Raadhika Sihin Head of Public Policy, Global Finance & Technology Network (GFTN)
Roundtable Room 1 (Level 2)
Rehan Ahmed Chief Executive Officer, Marketnode
Roundtable Room 3 (Level 3)
Matthias Obrecht Head Market Analysis, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
Richard Teng Chief Executive Officer, Binance
Sopnendu Mohanty Group Chief Executive Officer, Global Finance & Technology Network (GFTN)