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Christian Frahm

Christian Frahm

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, United Fintech

Christian Frahm is a recognised fintech entrepreneur with a track record of pioneering and scaling innovative financial technologies.

As the Founder and CEO of United Fintech, Christian Frahm leads the charge in transforming the financial sector by streamlining access to cutting-edge fintech solutions.

With a career that began at Bloomberg and Saxo Bank, Frahm's entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish CFH Group in 2008, which he grew into a global tech leader within trading technology before his strategic exit at $120 million in 2019.

Leveraging his deep market insight, Frahm launched United Fintech in 2020, creating a platform that has quickly become integral to 8 out of the 10 largest banks in the world.

In February 2024, BNP Paribas and Citi entered as the first institutional investors in United Fintech, the first industry-neutral Digital Transformation platform. Just months after, Danske Bank entered as the third institutions investor in May of 2024.

His leadership is marked by a commitment to innovation, collaboration, and driving the fintech industry forward.