Workshop Room 1 (Level 3)
Decoding Digital Assets and Payments
The curation of content and speakers was wholly managed by Amazon and does not reflect the views of the organisers or its staff.
Drawing from a recently launched report authored by McKinsey & Company entitled “Purpose Bound Money (PBM): A New Paradigm in Value Transfer'', this workshop will present important lessons learned from PBM pilots to date and explore possible roadmaps to driving universal adoption for PBM. The workshop also aims to discuss various pathways to universalise adoption for policymakers and regulators to consider as they establish foundations within their own jurisdictions to integrate PBM into mainstream payments systems and infrastructure.
This workshop aims to provide an opportunity for an exchange of views from the public and private sectors on the value proposition and future prospects for PBMs to be integrated into the mainstream retail payment system. It also aims to promote discussion on key elements of an enabling environment to facilitate customer and merchant adoption of PBMs.