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Steven Haft

Steven Haft

Co-Founder, Ethereum Climate Platform

Steven Haft is the Head of Global Partnerships and Climate Lead at ConsenSys. Steven served as a Web3 tech resource for UN's annual climate conferences in 2018-2022 on behalf of ConsenSys. He is currently Climate Ambassador for the Global Blockchain Business Council. Formerly Treasurer of the Blockchain for Social Impact Coalition (BSIC), he is presently CoFounder of the Ethereum Climate Platform, announced by an alliance of tech and NGO partners at COP27 to accelerate climate finance at scale.

Haft is a long time Climate activist, and a leading figure in media, digital innovation, ESG and civic affairs. He was part of the team of student activists who co-founded the inaugural Earth Day. Until 2018, Steven was SVP Chief Innovation Officer at TIME Inc, and before that Chief Strategy Officer at AOL’s $1.2B Ad Sales Group. As a filmmaker, he developed and produced Dead Poet Society, Emma, Hocus Pocus, MADtv and Pirates of Silicon Valley, among other titles. He is a multiple Oscar/Emmy nominee, Peabody winner and Trustee Emeritus of The Sundance Institute.

Haft is a Fellow at HBS Prof Clay Cristensen’s Disruptor Foundation; Member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court; and Member of US and UK Motion Picture Academies. He is holds a degree of Juris Doctor and a Certificate in Leading Change & Organizational Renewal from the Harvard Business School.

He has worked for two Mayors of New York, served as a Director of the White House Presidential Scholars Foundation, and been an Advisor under contract to the CEOS of the largest public relations firms in the world.