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AI revolution: Shaping data analytics in the financial sector

This roundtable reflects Elevandi’s commitment to advancing adoption of frontier technologies. This includes consideration of the Use of AI/ML in Financial Supervision by Central Banks in a 2024 FutureMatters opinion.

Leveraging AI for data analytics is increasingly becoming a staple in organisational strategies, yet the journey is far from complete. In this vein, the BIS Innovation Hub Swiss Centre and Swiss National Bank have recently launched Project Neo to explore how more frequent and granular data from novel sources combined with advanced analytic technologies can help central banks better fulfil their mandates. Project Neo aims to ensure that central bank policymaking decisions are grounded in timely and precise intelligence.

The discussion, under the theme of Forming Frontier Tech, will delve into:
- The transformative impact of AI on data analytics, particularly in forecasting, economic analysis, risk management, reporting, and decision-making processes.
- The multifaceted challenges of AI integration, spanning technological consideration to the organisational adaptation.

Attendees who wish to familiarise themselves with the topic may refer to the reference materials below.
- ESG: The Urgency of Action & Why Climate Technology Matters Now
- Use of AI/ML in financial supervision by central banks


Bénédicte Nolens

Bénédicte Nolens

Centre Head, Hong Kong Centre, BIS Innovation Hub

Christina Schack

Christina Schack

Head Data Solutions, Vontobel AG

Claire Calmejane

Claire Calmejane

Investor, Leia Capital

Dr Dan Wunderli

Dr Dan Wunderli

Head of Data Innovation Lab, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

Dr Gernot Klein

Dr Gernot Klein

Field Chief Data Officer, Dataiku

Dr Jennifer Belissent

Dr Jennifer Belissent

Principal Data Strategist, Snowflake

Kenneth Gay

Kenneth Gay

Executive Director, Enterprise Knowledge, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Marc Beierschoder

Marc Beierschoder

Managing Partner for AI & Data, Deloitte Consulting AG

Dr Matthias Gubler

Dr Matthias Gubler

Head of Economic Data Science, Swiss National Bank

Musa Parmaksiz

Musa Parmaksiz

Head Of AI, Data and Analytics Center of Excellence (IB), UBS


Morten Bech

Morten Bech

Centre Head - Switzerland, BIS Innovation Hub

Dr Rachel Arulraj-Cordonier

Dr Rachel Arulraj-Cordonier

Advisor, Project lead - AI & Data, Switzerland, BIS Innovation Hub