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"Shaping finance's future with Digital Public Infrastructure: The role of tokenised money and public-private collaboration" - Powered by G+D

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Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) is seen as a game changer for any society. It can accelerate economic growth, streamline citizens’ access to social services, and both broaden financial inclusion and dramatically extend engagement with the digital economy.
In its essence, DPI is an assembly of interoperable digital building blocks that lay down “digital rails” by establishing some fundamentals: the unique identity of people, a scalable flow of data between institutions, and a secure infrastructure for digital payments. 
Payments is a critical field for DPI. For centuries, cash has fulfilled a fundamental role in societies as a public payment infrastructure. Today, the ability to send and receive money digitally has become an essential capability for individuals, societies, and economies.
In the digital economy, tokenised money might act as an enabler of DPI that can drive economic value while enhancing the public welfare. But what should the roles of the public and private sectors be for a successful payment DPI? Which recipes can ensure interoperability of the ecosystem to support seamless flow of digital currencies? What are the important lessons learned from north star DPI projects? This session will seek to answer these questions.


Bénédicte Nolens

Bénédicte Nolens

Centre Head, Hong Kong Centre, BIS Innovation Hub

Tony Mclaughlin

Tony Mclaughlin

Managing Director, Citi

Wolfram Seidemann

Wolfram Seidemann

Chief Executive Officer, G+D Currency Technology

Kwame Oppong

Kwame Oppong

Director, FinTech and Innovation, Bank of Ghana


Katie-Ann Wilson

Katie-Ann Wilson

Managing Director, OMFIF