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"Does the future belong to private or public blockchains?" - Powered by Fireblocks

The curation of content and speakers was wholly managed by Fireblocks and does not reflect the views of the organisers or its staff.

This industry discussion will challenge the global regulatory stance on public blockchains. We will hear from financial institutions building digital asset businesses on private and public blockchains, debating the merits and challenges of both. 
The session will:
- Explore what’s stopping institutions from embracing public blockchains
- Weigh the benefits of control versus scalability
- Discuss collaborative private sector solutions and the interoperability and regulatory requirements they must meet


David Newns

David Newns

Head, SIX Digital Exchange

Dr Johnna Powell

Dr Johnna Powell

Managing Director, Head of Technology Research and Innovation, Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)

Rene Michau

Rene Michau

Global Head, Digital Assets, Standard Chartered Bank

Toh Wee Kee

Toh Wee Kee

Global Head of Business Architecture for Coin Systems, Onyx by J.P. Morgan


Jiten Varu

Jiten Varu

Head of FinTech & Web3 - Industry Leader EMEA, AWS

Varun Paul

Varun Paul

Business Lead for CBDC, FMI & Blockchains, Fireblocks