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Data-based banking supervision using AI

The aim of the workshop is to outline the future of banking supervision in times of technological and methodological progress. The focus is on tools for automated risk assessments of supervised financial institutions and how these can be further developed using AI methodologies and alternative data. 

FINMA will present its most important Suptech tool, namely its well-established rating system for banks. This monitoring tool is used to automatically evaluate and graphically present financial figures, risk parameters and audit results of banks. This allows supervisors to always know current risk ratings and to allocate their resources in a targeted manner. 

To take it one step further, FINMA is currently running a project to improve the rating system using methods of artificial intelligence and alternative data. To do this, a Data Innovation Lab has been set up in which data scientists are developing innovative applications for supervision. FINMA will show in which areas they see the greatest added value. Finally, exciting applications and results from the lab will be presented. 

The presentation is primarily aimed at supervisory authorities and representatives of the financial industry or academia who are interested in digitalisation, risk assessment tools, innovative supervisory approaches and applied methods of artificial intelligence. 

The following questions will be discussed: 
- What does data-based supervision actually mean? 
- How can supervision benefit from methodological and technological advances? 
- Which methods and specific applications of artificial intelligence bring the greatest added value? 
- What will supervision look like in the future? 

Besides the presentation, there will be time for questions and discussions, and to arrange further contacts and collaborations.


Bianca Morrone

Bianca Morrone

Data Scientist, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

Dr Kaspar Stucki

Dr Kaspar Stucki

Data Scientist, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

Philippe Brügger

Philippe Brügger

Head of Data and Analytics Center, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)

Sascha Jakob

Sascha Jakob

Data Scientist, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)