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"Unlocking global liquidity: Cross-border distribution for real world assets" - Powered by SBI Digital Markets

The curation of content and speakers was wholly managed by SBI Digital Markets and does not reflect the views of the organisers or its staff.

Join a discussion focusing on the cross-border distribution and liquidity of a tokenised alternative asset.
The session will delve into innovative structuring strategies, deployment of blockchain tech and the regulatory considerations critical to the seamless global connectivity of digital assets.
Gain insights from industry leaders on overcoming liquidity challenges and optimising global asset distribution.

This session is ideal for asset owners, investors, policymakers and tech innovators eager to explore the future of tokenised real-world assets.


Heejin Shin

Heejin Shin

Director, Head of Ventures & Digital Assets, Kyobo Securities

Marco Kessler

Marco Kessler

Business Head Digital Securities, SIX Digital Exchange

David Schmid

David Schmid

Co-Chief Executive Officer, CAT Financial Products

Max J. Heinzle

Max J. Heinzle

Chief Executive Officer & Founder, 21X AG


Winston Quek

Winston Quek

Chief Executive Officer, SBI Digital Markets