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Regulated activities on public blockchains

This roundtable examines the potential of public permissionless blockchains to enhance traditional financial services. However, with new opportunities come new risks. These risks, such as operational, reputational and legal risks need to be adequately addressed. The aim of the roundtable is to discuss potential use cases for regulated activities on public permissionless blockchains, the risks involved and how these risks can be mitigated by policymakers, including international and industry standard setters, and regulators.

The mentioned discussions of potential use cases for regulated activities on public permissionless blockchains, the risks involved and how these risks can be mitigated by policymakers, including international and industry standard setters, and regulators will be published in a whitepaper.


Morten Bech

Morten Bech

Centre Head - Switzerland, BIS Innovation Hub

Alan Lim

Alan Lim

Director & Head, Financial Infrastructure and Artificial Intelligence Office, Monetary Authority of Singapore